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Resumes, Coverletters and Interviews


Are you looking for your first job? Are you re-entering the workforce or making a career change?

Check out our resources page to provide you with tools that will help you land the job!

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Develop an effective job search strategy

Understand the Hidden market & target your job search

Rejuvenate your Resume

Create a Cover Letter

Successful Interviews

Follow Up

Your Resume

A great resume is crucial for showcasing your skills and qualifications to an employer.

Make sure to update it for each application.

Does your Resume:

  • Include a specific Job Objective?

  • Include your full contact information, such as your name, Address, Phone Or Message number, and email address.

  • Provide a summary outlining the skills and qualifications needed for the job you are applying for. Include some of the required skills as listed in the job posting?

  • Provide dates of your employment and/or volunteer experience

  • Look professional. ( Double check spelling and grammar)

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter serves as your introduction to an employer and typically accompanies an application for employment and/or a resume. A cover letter allows you to highlight the qualifications on your resume in more detail. While writing a resume gives you the opportunity to showcase your education, experience and skills, a cover letter helps you make a connection between your resume and the job for which you are applying.


Successful Interviews

1. Know yourself

Early in your job hunt, be self-aware and confident. Make lists of your strengths, skills, achievements, and hobbies.

2. Research the job

Before applying, make sure you understand what the company is looking for in a candidate. Analyze job postings, check the employer's career page, and reach out to current employees to learn about the desired skills and values.

3. Think about yourself in relation to the job

Take your time to carefully go through the job description. For each requirement, see if you can showcase why you're a better fit than other candidates.

4. Conduct some practice interviews

Consider asking friends and family to help with practice interviews, Reviewing Common Interview Questions, and Practicing Your body language and handshake.

5. Dress appropriately

Dress one level above the expected attire for your job interview. For example, if it's casual or uniformed, go for "business casual.

There are exceptions. For instance, it makes sense to wear a lot of makeup to an interview at Sephora. However, unless they're common in the job you're applying for, career counselors advise against certain fashion choices which are listed below:

  • open-toed shoes or sandals

  • heavy makeup

  • revealing clothing

  • short skirts

  • visible piercings

  • large tattoos

  • clingy tops

  • platform shoes

  • huge earrings

  • wrinkled clothing

  • hair in your face

Follow Up

In general, there are three kinds of follow-up emails you can send after an interview: one to your interviewers immediately after the interview, a second follow-up if you haven’t heard back, and a “check-in” email to stay in touch for networking purposes. In the best case, you only need to send one email—a note that thanks your interviewers for their time and expresses your enthusiasm for the job.


